Although the title suggests that I’m aiming for world domination it simply reflects that this is the first blog article on my new personal site.
Whilst I have contributed a few articles in the past to Micro Focus (formerly Novell) Cool Solutions and SUSE Communities I have some ideas which don’t fit with either so starting a personal blog seems like a good idea, or at least it did at the time! ;-)
So what are these article ideas? Most relate to technologies I’ve been involved with and/or I’m interested in, including (but not limited to) Linux, OpenStack, Kubernetes, Raspberry Pi, and home automation. I see this is an opportunity to document and share some knowledge as well as learn some new things.
Thanks to Jonathan McGlone’s beginner’s guide I’m using GitHub Pages and Jekyll and despite Microsoft recently agreeing to acquire GitHub I’ve decided to stick as thanks to GitHub it’s been relatively easy to set up with HTTPS (there’s another article!). Where I’m likely to twist is the look and feel of this site which I’m sure will evolve over time.
Anyway that’s the obligatory introductory post done, hopefully if you’re still reading this you’ll be back for more!